As you may be aware, the past few months have been incredibly difficult and challenging. I have had so much going on in my personal life with my grandma being so unwell in hospital and my pup needing a lot of medical attention too.
When life gets tough, sometimes the best thing is to get lost in creating.
I’ve been struggling to focus for long periods recently and really wanted to create something that I would just experiment with and take the pressure off.
So for this month’s challenge, I encourage you to do the same so I’ve aimed to create a super therapeutic tutorial for you.
With a few pan pastels (you can also use soft pastels) and some coloured pencils, join me as we create a beautiful misty ocean scene.
There is absolutely no right or wrong to this one and it’s all about getting lost in the process and using shapes to create textures and effects - it comes together in less than two hours and I really hope you find it as therapeutic as I did 🌊❤️
February Drawing Therapy
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